Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Taking a break from cancer

I'm tired of having cancer, tired of talking about it, tired of thinking about it so for this post I'm taking a break from cancer. Also,  I think it is always important to remember how delicious bacon can be...those of you who love bacon will surely agree!

So... Instead of talking about the "C" word,  I'm going to share all the great things I have been a part of the last week or so.

First of all my youngest son Dylan went to his first dance which also happened to be his first date.  He went to Viewmont's prom and had a great time and a darling date.  I can hardly believe he is old enough to be dating now.  He is such a great kid and helps make sure I'm taken care of.  He has a great heart and I love him to death! Here are some of the highlights:

Cute little grandma thought he looked very handsome.
On the same night as Prom, my darling niece Sarah Wilson opened her mission call at my mom's house.  She was so nervous, she could hardly wait.  We all had a guess for a state side mission and a foreign mission.  NONE of us guessed she would be going to Honolulu Hawaii!!  She is so excited - and we are excited for her and also to plan a vacation to the islands.  She will be a great missionary.


Everyone recording/taking pictures  - nice photo bomb Maddie!!

So that was an exciting Saturday.  The next day Dylan was ordained a Priest and my dad came out to our ward to do the ordination.  Dylan had worn his tux to church and the Bishop said that "everyone who is ordained a Priest should wear a tux from now on."  He did look very handsome and was dressed up for an important occasion.

Monday, my good friend Paige surprised me with lunch and a "foot zone".  I had no clue what that even meant - but I tell was amazing!  It was so nice to spend time with such a dear friend that I don't see very often but once you get together it feels like time never passed.  I wish I would have thought to take a picture of our excursion...I'm bad at that and realize that if I'm going to blog about stuff, I need to take pictures as well.  The time we spent together really healed my heart and soul.  It was so thoughtful of her to take me out on this adventure.  This is my sweet friend, she is beautiful inside and out! (Paige, I hope you don't mind I stole this off your fb page. :)  )

Tuesday I was able to meet a dear friend for lunch.  I met Melody many years ago under not so ideal circumstances, but I quickly knew we would be friends for life.  Our short lunch ended up being nearly 3 hours and we still had so much to talk about.  She is a strong, intelligent, compassionate, loving soul and I'm so blessed to know her and her family.  She has been through things no mother should have to go through, yet she does all she can to help others.  Again...I didn't get a picture which I'm so sad about but here is a picture of her - I don't know how I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends.

Most of you know this about me, but for those of you who don't - I love to quilt.  Thursday I was able to go to the Home Machine Quilting show in Sandy at the expo center.  I went with myself which was wonderful because I could take as much or as little time as I wanted.  There were hundreds of quilts and vendors selling all kinds of sewing items.  This was like heaven to me.  A couple of years ago I entered 2 quilts to be judged as a beginning quilter in this show.  I didn't win anything, but it was fun to be a part of it.  They aren't anything amazing, but here are the two quilts I entered:

And here are a few things that caught my eye at the show this year.  Some of these things aren't my favorite - meaning I wouldn't choose to make or display them, but I do recognize the hours spent and the incredible talent people have in making these creations.

I don't know why, but I love everything about this quilt.

Lots of fabric pieced together to make this it!

Amazing quilting

2 things I love...COLOR and FABRIC!!
Friday I took it easy because I had such a busy week - but luckily my good friend LeEtta was able to break away from her daughter and grandkids up from AZ to go to a craft show at the Legacy Events Center in Farmington.  There were a lot of things to choose from - I wanted to buy a lot of things, but since I had gone a little crazy at the quilt show I refrained from going too crazy at the craft show.  While we were there I ran into a wonderful lady I met again under not ideal circumstances, but have loved her since I met her.  This is Shelley - she is amazing, funny, creative and strong and I love her guts! She has the most beautiful daughter that has gone through things most of us would crawl in a hole to avoid.  I spent many hours with these two and I'm so blessed to know them.

This is my sweet friend LeEtta who went to the show with me.  She is one of the kindest people I know.  She texts me almost every day to check on me, takes me to appointments, brings me FIIZ, and makes me laugh.  This is a picture of us right after I found out I relapsed.  She came all the way to AZ to bring me some flowers - well, and of course to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter and family.  I wish I would have taken a picture on our crafting escape - but of course - I didn't take a picture in our shopping frenzy. :)

I will end this long post with Friday...the best day of the week - I got to pick up my sister from the airport.  I have really missed her and am so glad she is here.  I wish she would move here so we can be together more.  She has a way of making everything better - we don't even have to have any plans - just hanging out is enough.

All in all it was a great week - cancer wasn't invited, so that made it better.  I just wish it would take a hike for good.  I love my family and love the time we have been able to spend together. More adventures to come in the next post coming soon.  I'm finding I have to hurry and blog/record the memories because my memory is not as great as I wish. (thank you chemo brain!!)

Be brave, my heart. Have courage, my soul.



  1. I love you so much!! I'm glad you had a good week and shared it with us! We can't wait to see Dil!! We miss him!!

  2. I got so excited seeing those quilts and all the fabrics! I think I drooled a little too! You do amazing work! I loved the flag quilt ~ You are AWESOME!!!! It was good to see a picture of sweet LeEtta! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for caring!
