Tuesday, April 19, 2016

8 Days

It has been one whole week since I have started my chemo.  8 days.  The side effects have been tolerable for the most part.  I'm mostly just nauseated all day and feel tired - which is to be expected. I was hoping as time went by, the nausea would be less.  Today seems to be the worst - luckily I only have 6 days left until I get a week off.  I was reading more about my chemo the other day and I found out that Xeloda is  5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR) which is converted to 5-fluorouracil in the cell.  We used 5-fluorouracil IV when I worked in pediatrics.  We always called it 5-FU because it's much easier than the real name. I had to chuckle a little bit when I realized I was taking 5-FU.  I always felt a little weird when I had to say it out loud.  Now I just think of it as a 5 finger FU to my cancer cells.  That may be a little vulgar for some of you, but I guess it is what it is - I didn't name the darn thing.

I was told that it may take some time for this chemo to start working - I may not see any decrease in my cough or pain until possibly into the second cycle, which is about 5-6 weeks.  I am trying to listen to my body and not imagine things (I'm trying not to be crazy or neurotic) but I feel like this chemo is already starting to do something.  Last week on Wednesday I was having the same symptoms that took me to the emergency room a week and a half ago....increased cough, more shortness of breath and horrible pain on the right side.  I called Dr. Litton's office so I could get another thoracentesis to relieve the symptoms, preferably on Friday so I didn't have to go through the ED again.  Everything was arranged and although I didn't want to go, I would rather breathe, so I was glad it was scheduled. Thursday evening I realized it was easier to breathe and the pain was less.  When I woke up Friday morning I felt even better.  I wasn't sure that I even needed the thoracentesis anymore, but I went just in case there still was a lot of fluid built up and I was just tolerating it better.  When they did the ultrasound they said there was still some fluid in there, but it was less than they drained the previous week.  Hopefully this means that this chemo is actually getting in there and doing something!  I can handle the nausea and the other side effects that come along as long as it is in there killing the cancer.

This is LeEtta - she was kind enough to drive me to my procedure but was much more interested in facebook than entertaining me. :)

I love this quote from Helen Keller - I certainly have had plenty of opportunities to learn how to be brave and patient. I have to tell you that I do love experiencing joy - hopefully there will be more joy to come.  We had a fun dinner on Sunday at my brother Jeremy's house.  It is always good to get together with family - kids are always full of joy and energy - it did my heart some good.  I love my family!

All in all, it has been a pretty good week. Here's to many more good weeks!

Be brave, my heart. Have courage, my soul.


1 comment:

  1. Vulgar? Honey you be as vulgar as you want this is your blog! I love your guts!
