Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cancer Killers

Well, my new chemo arrived in the mail yesterday about 1030 am.  I have been anxiously waiting for this to get pre-authorized and in my hands so the cancer killing can begin.  This drug is called Xeloda and I am praying this will be the drug to get this malignancy under control.  Because it is powerful in killing cancer cells, it does come with it's fair share of side effects.  The most common are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth sores, hand/foot syndrome (this is where your hands and feet become sore, blister, and slough off - I can't wait for that one!) hair thinning and fatigue.  Oh the joys of chemotherapy.  I will take 4 pills in the am and 5 pills in the pm.
$4064.36 for 14 days worth of pills...thank you insurance for paying for my chemo!

My friend at work, LeEtta said that eating chocolate before and after taking chemo would make it work better.  I think I will have to agree with her!! :) Chocolate helps everything.

So, down the hatch with the morning dose.  Before they went down I had a little talk with those 4 pills in my hand .  I told them that they were going to go in and be my cancer killers, I wasn't going to be sick and I wasn't going to have any side effects.  I'm a big believer in positive thinking and letting my body know that I am in charge and this cancer is going down!  Too bad about 2 hours later my body forgot that it wasn't supposed to be nauseated...ugh...

Still trying to be my most brave self...still have the motto of "fake it til you make it..."  

Be brave, my heart. Have courage, my soul.



  1. Tiffany, you are in our prayers!
    And sending positive thoughts and feelings your way as well.

    1. I didn't realize it would just show my web-i.d. This is from Ron & Sue Hyer

  2. Tiffany, you don't know me but I'm familiar with what you're going through father sister and brother valiantly fought the beast my heart thoughts and prayers are with you. You'll beat this dragon for all those who have given their all and didn't make it someone has to win I believe it will be you keep on fighting there are a lot of us cheering for you

  3. Tiffany, you don't know me but I'm familiar with what you're going through father sister and brother valiantly fought the beast my heart thoughts and prayers are with you. You'll beat this dragon for all those who have given their all and didn't make it someone has to win I believe it will be you keep on fighting there are a lot of us cheering for you
