Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Small Miracles

I was discharged from the hospital Sunday afternoon when my procedure was completed.  For the thoracentesis they ended up putting in a 5 french catheter since there was more fluid to drain this time  At first they weren't going to do it because  in the spot where they wanted to insert the needle/catheter my lung would flap in and out of the space. This was very comforting to hear knowing that popping my lung was a possibility.  If I could take a deep breath and hold it long enough without coughing, Melissa (the PA doing the procedure) would feel comfortable getting it in the right spot.  This was no easy feat as I was constantly coughing, I couldn't take a deep breath without severe pain, and if I did take a deep breath I would start coughing.  I said a little prayer, and by some small miracle I was able to hold a deep breath and not cough.  She inserted the catheter without problems and the draining began.  They were able to drain about 350cc of yellow fluid rather quickly.  As the fluid in my lung decreased I could feel the catheter rubbing against my lung as it expanded and deflated. It was a quite uncomfortable and icky feeling. The catheter was removed  and I could finally breathe without coughing and without pain.  Again - a small miracle that seemed mighty to me.

Prior to going down to my procedure I had a lovely visitor bring me breakfast and a much needed beverage,,,1/2 coke-1/2 diet coke that tasted like nectar from the Gods. I was bored just sitting and waiting with nothing happening and starving because the hospital food was terrible.  Jodi always knows how to brighten my day and she was another small miracle. We both ate breakfast in my hospital bed and she even helped a homeless guy before stopping by - she has a heart of gold!!


My life saver for the morning!

Since my right arm has lymphedema it cannot be used for blood pressure taking or any type of IV's or needle sticks.  The veins in my left arm are not awesome.  I ended up having to get an IV and several pokes for various different labs.  It was a miracle they were able to get everything they needed with my limited veins.

Not exactly the best place to have an IV, but so blessed that it worked the entire time and didn't have to be restarted.

So bored...thankful for oxygen to help me breathe!!

Also, a big shout out to my mom who met me at the hospital - went home to grab all my things, ran back out to the hospital, went back out to Bountiful to stay with my Grandma over night and then also picked up Dylan after midnight at work.  She is my every day miracle - always there at a minute's notice. I felt bad for her because I knew she had a lot to do this past weekend and she had to drop everything to help me.  I try to be independent and have a hard time accepting help from others but couldn't have made it without her this weekend.  I also felt bad because she always tries to be so brave in front of me but she did get a little teary and told me how much she hated seeing me go through all the pain and procedures.  I don't like to see other people in pain because of me - it adds another layer of guilt to all the guilt I already feel.

A big thank you to everyone who helped me this weekend - those mentioned above, my sweet friend Anna who took Dylan to work, LeEtta that has run my kids all over the place, everyone who called, texted, fasted, and prayed in my behalf - because of you I was able to experience all these small miracles this weekend.  This world is full of such kind and loving people and I'm so grateful I know so many of them. 

One of the best miracles of all was to talk to my son Parker, Sunday night.  We had a wonderful conversation and he said so many things that brought a little bit of peace to my soul.  I love my kids with all my heart - they are my most precious miracles.

Be brave, my heart. Have courage, my soul.


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